
Something New

Hello Hello!!

Another Wednesday is upon us! Yay! And it flew by!
It's been another busy week! (Aren't they always??) I started school this week for the first time since highschool.. about four years ago. Already four assignments! But it turns out once I actually sat down and started doing the course work it's not actually as daunting as I thought it would be. Kind of made me feel productive! I have a pretty relaxed job environment and being able to work on my homework while at my job is going to be a huge bonus! While I worked on my geography homework, I munched on some strawberries.

I got an awesome deal on them and now I have a boatload! Lucky me I love them!

I also had a doctor's appointment yesterday afternoon (everything is going to be a-o-k!) which almost made me late for my first day of class! I was a SPEED walker to catch the bus from downtown Seattle to my campus! Fortunately, I was only five minutes late and was able to catch up on everything going on. Math will be a challenge, but I guess I knew that before the class even started! To help ease the pain of the first day, they had cookies at the front door. I cherished one that was amazingly soft. Then did some grocery shopping with Jay, my boyfriend. He's adorable and had called me up yesterday afternoon while he was at the store because he missed me and wanted my help!! Talk about being appreciated!! :)

So I'm off work in a few! And I've been staring at this all day!!!

So I cannot wait to get outside and enjoy some sunshine! I've got a book to return to the library and I'll use the 1 and a half mile walk as some cardio for the day. And with my goals in mind, I'm doing some strength training again tonight! Jay and I did go to the gym on Monday evening. So tonight I will lift again! Consistency is key!

Hope everyone had a great day!!

Take care,
Kelly Katheryn

Any fresh produce come into season where you are that you have an over abundance of to relish in??

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